Insud Pharma Group Environmental Policy
As a company dedicated to the manufacture, development and marketing of active
substances and finished products for pharmaceutical and veterinary use, Insud
Pharma recognises the importance of environmental protection and the undeniable
need to conduct all business activities in full respect of the environment. In order to
reduce its environmental impact and help to protect the environment, Senior
Management has drafted the following principles:
- To fully comply with and continuously revise all applicable and current legal and non - legal requirements to which the company subscribes.
- To fully comply with and continuously revise all applicable and current legal and non - legal requirements to which the company subscribes.
- To define continuous improvement as the cornerstone of our business activities, taking into account environmental policy as a frame of reference for setting objectives, so as to minimise our environmental impact on both a local and international leve
- To prevent contamination by minimising, waste, sewage and emissions produced from our activities, as well as other impacts that our business could have on the environment.
- To work together with our suppliers and subcontractors to implement improved environmental measures, resulting in the increased overall
environmental efficacy of our activities.
- To invite open and cordial dialogue with the various administrative bodies, the local community and other groups interested in our business activities.
- To provide suitable internal training and communication to employees, ensuring the implementation of good environmental practices and empowering employees to play a key role in the company's environmental improvements.
The management also undertakes to ensure the application of this policy and the
annual review of its content, adapting it to the nature of the activities and impacts as
well as the general strategy of the Insud Pharma Group.