Leon Farma
Located at Spain`s pharmaceutical manufacturing facility (León Farma), this dedicated R&D center is engaged in scientific research and development activities, specialized in hormonal oral contraceptives (HOC) and hormone replacement therapies (HRT).
The project "Implantation of a new vaginal ring technology and increase in productive capacity" has been co-financed with funds from The European Regional Development Fund and The Ministry of Finance and Public Administration through the Agency of Innovation, Finance and Business Internationalization of the Board of Castilla y León, within the grants of Regional Incentives and Special Interest Incentives. Files LE/791/P07 and LE/791/IE
Address: La Vallina, s/n 24008 Villaquilambre, León Spain, Europe
Telephone: +34 987 278 719
Fax: +34 987 278 524
Email: leonfarma@chemogroup.com